Sunday, March 19, 2017

KOW - Warlords Super Series: Summer Results

Yesterday we had the first of the Warlords Super Series, four KoW tournaments spread across the year.

It was a four round event using 2000 point armies. Scoring was 60 points battle, 30 points Sports and 10 points Presentation. Sports scoring had default of max points while Presentation was self scored (10 points for tournament level painted army on correct multibases or movement trays, 5 points for either/or and 0 points for neither).

Battle had scenario worth 12 points for the win, 8 for draw and 4 four loss. This could be modified by +/- 3 points for kill differential. Gap of 0-200 points had no modifier, 201-500 points +/-1, 501-1000 points +/-2 points and 1001+ was +/-3 points. You could also lose a point if you timed out.

The scenarios were Invade, Dominate, Loot and Control.

Best Painted was TO selected while Best Sport was Favourite Opponent voting.

The results were as follows:

Best Opponent: 1st - Josh Barton, 2nd - Ryan Lister

Best Army: 1st - Carson Turnbull (FoN), 2nd - Lliam Munro (Abyss)

The event ran very smoothly with no player timing out within the allotted 55 minutes - though 1-2 players were very close!

We used the new CoK rules and players felt that the shift to Unit Strength, in particular, improved the game - by design three of the four selected scenarios used it. The introduction of cover for 4++ shooting was also seen as an improvement.

The next Wellington event is 20 May with next NZ event the first weekend in April in Auckland.


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