Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Survey Reminder - Army Popularity in Kings of War

Just a reminder that Fields of Blood is doing a completely unscientific survey of readers to look at what they are playing and what armies excite them going forward.

I've had a lot of responses so far but I'm still looking for more.

So for those playing KoW (and haven't already done so) can you please answer the following questions - posting your answers in the comments section:

  1. What army are you currently using?
  2. What army have you used the most in KoW?
  3. What will be your next army?
  4. What army would you like to build?
  5. Which army would you never play/build?
I'm going to let this go another fortnight them publish results.


  1. 1. Dwarfs
    2. Haven't even read the rules
    3. Dwarfs
    4. Dwarfs
    5. Elf pansies

  2. 1. Dwarves
    2. Dwarves
    3. Kingdoms f Men
    4. Kingdoms of Men
    5. Nothing

  3. 1. Elves
    2. Elves
    3. League of Rhodia
    4. Night Stalkers
    5. Kingdoms of Men

  4. 1. Ogres
    2. Ogres
    3. Abyssal Dwarves
    4. Basileans
    5. N/A

  5. 1. N/A
    2. N/A
    3. Varangur
    4. Night Stalkers
    5. Elveses

  6. 1. Abysal Dwarves
    2. Abysal Dwarves
    3. Dwarves
    4. Abysals
    5. N/A

  7. 1. Gobbos
    2. Gobbos
    3. Abyss
    4. KoM
    5. Never stay never!

  8. 1. Elves (planned)
    2. None yet
    3. Elves
    4. Undead
    5. N/A

  9. 1. Undead
    2. Undead
    3. Elves
    4. Basilea
    5. Cannot say at this time

  10. 1. Ratkin
    2. The Herd
    3. Dwarfs
    4. League of Rhordia (although I probably never will)
    5. Probably Salamanders. Never been a fan of Lizards.
