Monday, August 17, 2015

Call to Arms Convention

Over the weekend I spent a bit of time at Call to Arms. I was due to play WHFB but dropped out when they had odd numbers - so ump didn't have to play.

It looked a real fun event with a multitude of game systems - Fantasy, 40k, LotR/Hobbit, 15mm and 28mm Ancients, FOW, Malifaux, X-Wing....There also were a large number of demo/participation/multiplayer games. I saw Naval, Infinity, Black Powder, WW1, Vietnam, Outbreak....there may have been more.

I love these types of conventions as you get to see a wide range of hobby. In particular the thing that struck me this time were the Malifaux boards - great - and some of the laser cut mdf terrain for Infinity and the like.

The bring & buy table was there as usual and I managed to sell pretty much all I had - and later a 40k army - well spending only $2 on a big bag of 20mm square slotta bases (win).

It was great to see a lot of out of town gamers there as well. I know the Warlords appreciate the support.

In Fantasy there was a fairytale result. Neil Williamson has been playing for 20 years and I understand that's his first ever event win. Congratulations.


  1. I wondered what the loud cheer at the end was for. Well done Mr Williamson awesome stuff

  2. Thanks guys. I'll be signing autographs soon!
