Sunday, February 1, 2015

WargamerNZ Launched

As I mentioned last week a few of us have been working on creating a community based forum for wargaming here in New Zealand. The intention is to have it as a standalone venture not attached to any group, club, blog or gaming system.

I'm pleased to announce that it launches today February 1. The forum has its own website:

I urge you to load the address into your browsers, check it out and sign-up. During its formative stage I have included a direct link through the Fields of Blood banner and it would be great if other people could do the same.

Membership is open to all gamers, including any interested internationals (and of course ex-pat Kiwis).

The Forum has a list of Moderators from around the country and their word is the law. A set of forum rules has been included but it effectively all boils down to one simple rule "Don't be a douche".

It would be great if you can circulate this through your gaming groups and publicise its genesis. In the end the forum will only be as good and as strong as the members that frequent it's up to you.

If there are any sections that you would like added drop the Administrator a PM.

"If you build it, they will come"