Sunday, June 1, 2014

The Demise of the Intelligent Battle Report

A while back I got my self a subscription to Wargames Illustrated. I'd bought the magazine off and on for 10 years. Wargames Illustrated is much more in the style of a traditional monthly magazine with a mix of content, including battle reports along with new product releases and nice pictures of painted models.

I like my battle reports to give me some insight into the strategy of the players, why have they done that, so that so that I can learn something from the battle reports. The battle reports in Warhammer Visions have become pictures of pretty models with very few words. So it was with some surprise and disappointment that that I read the battle report in the latest WI and it contains no descriptions of the tactics the players are using, but loads of close up of Jadgtigers hiding in a doormat and explosion markers over all the models.

Fortunately there is a way out of this impending disaster. Phew! Youtube has loads of channels about wargaming and has a variety of different people playing different games. These people also cover the range of gamers, there are people posting different kinds of games from the serious tournament gamer to the games run as part of a narrative campaign complete with named characters and D&D style role playing aspects.

So who else watches Youtube chanels and which ones do people like the best?


  1. These are my regulars

  2. Vidhammer

    William page


  3. You mean The"crylikealittlegirleverythingisagainstmemoanlikeabitchneverlearnsmyarmyissoweakwhycantitakethemostbrokenthingswaaaaaaa" center?

    1. This is the guys that got 15th out of 92 at Brawler Bash recentlyand won best of race?

      Yes he's obviously crap and never learns.

    2. Yip thats him. Complete knobhead.

    3. I'm not sure you can assume that large American events are necessarily competitive due to their size alone.

  4. Thanks Guys, it looks like we have the same set or regulars.
    Long Island Wargaming and Mitterim are also entertaining. It's nice to bea able to watch people that are having fun with their hobby.

  5. I really miss VaulSC (Brimblecombe) for all his detractors out there the guy had a fantastic voice to listen to, was a good player, and narrated his videos excellently....hopefully 9th edition will pull him back in....

    1. Yeah I enjoyed his videos, he's gone full warmachine now :(

    2. He was probably the only person in the world more unlucky than James Brown

  6. I just think that M26 Pershing looks frikkin' awesome, and I really wish my Dwarves could take one.

  7. Maybe in 9th ed with unbound armies you will be able to take 9 empire steam tanks in your dwarf army.
