Wednesday, January 15, 2014

FluffyCon at Battlecry - 15/16 February

I asked Richard Barby, Umpire at this year's Fantasy event at Battlecry to give me the lowdown on Fluffycon.

Fluffycon makes its return as this year’s Battlecry. Why come and play at Fluffycon I hear you

Well Fluffycon is a fun weekend like most Warhammer weekends however this is a
 weekend where it’s about your skill as a player alone and not about writing the hardest meanest

I have selected the Swedish comp to use for the weekend to even out some of the harder armies compared to some of the weaker ones.

It's also at Battlecry the biggest gaming weekend in the country and the closest thing new Zealand has to gaming convention
TO: Richard Barby (

VENUE: ASB Events Centre, Kohimarama, Auckland

DATES: 15th and 16th of February 2014

Hopefully the event will be well supported by the local community and will also attract out of towners to what I'm sure will be a lot of fun.

1 comment:

  1. Props to Richard for taking this one, however I think local support "may" be limited due to a) the massive delay in getting any information out about FluffyCon (not Richard's fault) and b) the very negative attitude to WHFB that one of the Auckland clubs has.

    I know of at least four people who were waiting and waiting info around FluffyCon. By the time the information was available those people had decided to go ahead and make other commitments.
