Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Warpfire Ogres

Here is my list for Warpfire. Ogres. No magic, no shooting.

Tyrant - General, Great Weapon, Glittering Scales

5 Ironguts - Standard, Musician, Lookout Gnoblar, Standard of Discipline

3x 2 Mournfang - Heavy Armour, Ironfist, Bellower

2x 1 Sabretusk

I could have included an Ironblaster but that struck me as a bit "taking it too serious". So I'm going to line up and run at you with my 14 models.

Holy Fat Tummy, Batman!


  1. So many models. My army has 11 total. Calling it Monster Mash United.

  2. Sacre Bleu, ten tonnes of tubby tummies inbound!

    For all you jokers with 'armies' of 15 or fewer models, is this weekend Warhammer or Warmachine? Anyone running Menoth or is Everblight the filth of the day.....?

  3. 12 Ogres for me... how do you only get 9 models Sam?

    1. You can do 6 with WoC.


    2. yeah but then you can't use Trolls as Core

    3. All will be revealed soon John...Mwahahahahahah! (Its really not that exciting (and pretty crap))

    4. My trolls aren't (hard)core - they're spethal.

  4. when will the lists be available?

    1. You are welcome to post your lists here.....appears I'm the only one brave enough :-)

    2. The High Elves of the House of Golden Moon Lily, mildly amused by your uncouth claims to solitary valour, deign to inform you that they shall be enhancing the event with the following contingent;

      >Lalandion the Resplendent- Loremaster
      >Adastra the Splendid* - Noble on Eagle
      >The Magnificent Spears * - 20 Spearelves
      >The Fabulous Archers * - 11 Archers
      >The Radiant Blades of the Tower of Hoeth - 5 Swordmasters
      >The Elegant Repeater Bolt Thrower *
      >The Well-Groomed Repeater Bolt Thrower*

      *of the House of the Golden Moon Lily. When you live for a thousand years or more you don't tend to abbreviate things.

      Provided my brave warriors have their hair gelled in time, their clothes are pressed and their perfumes are refreshed, they'll be there at the appointed hour to smash some face. Without touching it of course, that'd get their clothes dirty and smear their makeup. With magic and shooting, far more civilised.

      Right, I'm off to write some poetry.

    3. Man, all you cheesy buggers running Lord choices.

      Here is my fluffy little Tomb Kings List;

      Liche Priest Lvl 1 - Dragonbane Gem - Ironcurse Icon
      5 Chariots
      Warsphinx - Fiery Roar
      Warsphinx - Fiery Roar
      Colossus - Xtra Hand Weapon


    4. Nice Ironcurse Icon Sam ;)

  5. Up the guts indeed.

    I feel dirty bringing 26 models in my WoC army. No trolls though :P

    I expect my hero to kill himself at least twice over the weekend in his diabolical madness.

    1. Ryan: I really like your list - post it up and let us all bask in its cheesy goodness!

      Joel v

  6. 1+ Ar Saves are my Friend ;)

    Captain on Barded Warhorse
    Lvl2 Battlemage on Barded Warhorse
    10 Inner Circle Knights with Lances FC
    2 units of 4 Demigryph's

  7. 8 Knights of the Realm FC Std Discipline
    8 Errants FC Errantry Banner
    6 Knights of the Realm FC
    3 Peggies
    1 Heroic Killing Blow Hero + The Potion I always forget to drink. Just point me at those monsters.
    1 BSB Flaming Lance Enchanted Shield +1 lucky reroll Where are those pesky trolls?

  8. Warrior Priest: 2HW, Heavy Armour
    BSB: fullplate, enchanted sheild, warriorbane, crown of command (yeah, I'm that guy)

    38 Halberds: FC
    6 Archer detachment
    4 Demigryphs: M, SB
    4 Demigryphs: M

    Only because the Veto was removed! I was looking to field a fluffy woodie list, or super glass hammer High Elf list

    Joel v

  9. Almost wish I brought my dirty dirty hexwraith list now, instead I joined the 1+ brigade...

    Sorcerer, C Shield, Ruby Ring, Barded Horsie, Skull of Katam
    Chariot, Slaanesh
    Chariot, Slaanesh
    5 Dogs x 3
    5 Chaos Knights, Slaanesh
    3 Skullcrushers

  10. Maybe it should be like the Hong Kong 7s; all the Monster Cav armies can play for the Bowl, those without can play for the Plate.

    Mournfangs vs Skullcrushers vs Demigryphs with not an infantry model in sight. It'd be awesome to watch, and guys could have great fun failing to get a wound through each other's armour saves.

    1. oi! I've got 38 infantry + 2 foot characters and 6 archers!

      ...funny that no-one has (yet) to fess up to using Throgg or Beast spam.

      Joel v

    2. I dont have any 1+ saves. My best save is 5+. #fluffbunny #knifetoagunfight #shouldntwinagame

    3. Throgg is broken and you are an official dick if you took him.

      Exalted, Daemonic Mount, 3++ rerollable
      14 Tzeentch Warriors, Sword and Board
      2x5 Hounds
      6 SPECIAL Trolls
      3 Skullcrushers

      Yes I am taking an unkillable Hero *AND* Skullcrushers and I am fully aware that also makes me a dick. But not as much.


    4. hashtags only work on twitter Sam...

  11. Savage Orc Great Shaman - L4, Fencer's Blades

    Black Orc Big Boss - BSB, Enchanted Shield, 4++

    22 Savage Orc Bigunz - Bows

    Goblin Spear Chukka
    Goblin Spear Chukka

    Doom Diver
    Doom Diver
    Rock Lobba

    1. Hope Locky draws you against Hamish :-)

    2. These green-skins aren't going to just roll over and die! I think the list is a bit dumb now that I look at it (wish I had a lone wolf rider), but looking at other people's lists I don't feel bad at all.

    3. Nice gunline. It's like you've gotten a bunch of Dwarves, shaved their beards, painted them green and rolled them in filth. It's even better than a Dwarf one, with Foot raining down every turn.

      I hope you get five armies of wall-to-wall 1+ saves, that'll make everyone (else) smile.

    4. The real genius is that right before I get charged by something that can actually beat me in combat. I'm gonna IF cast Hand of Gork and get the hell out of there and hold nearly all my points!

    5. Well I know that I'm boned if I end up facing you, so I'm hoping I don't.

      I think GW got the Orc book seriously wrong though, if the best builds hinge around artillery and long-range magic, rather than in-your-face violence and brutality. Orcs should be like WoC and Ogres; a sack of bricks to the head, subtle as a rugby league prop.

    6. Agree 100% Tane. All Orcs should be 2 attacks base with devastating charge.

    7. I think the goblins are fine with toys that can work, fit the fluff etc. It's the big greenskins who let the team down.

    8. Don't be like that Pete! I doubt your army would fair much better vs that gun line mr 6 Mounfang lol.

      Plus you all have to let me win as its my Birthday ;)

    9. Jeez Jeff and ppl complain about Dwarf gunlines...

  12. Level 4 Prophetess + prayer icon
    Bsb + warhorse+ enchanted shield + sword of might + virtue of empathy + luckstone

    8 knights of realm + warbanner
    27 men at arms
    5 mounted yeomen
    10 skirmishing archers

  13. The High Elves of the House of Blue Tulip, highly amused by your uncouth claims to solitary valour, deign to inform you that they shall be enhancing the event with the following contingent:

    Noble on Eagle
    19 Spearelves
    11 Archers
    Tiranoc Chariot
    Repeater Bolt Thrower
    Repeater Bolt Thrower

    Sorry Tane for stealing your intro, but it was too good not to reuse.

  14. I feel seriously underdone with mine

    Butcher L1
    Bruiser - Heavy Armour charmed shield bane gem bsb
    Ironguts x5 bo swiftness

    1. You Cheese Monger with your broken Ironblaster :P
