Thursday, September 26, 2013

Skitterleap Update

Skitterleap is just a month away and the numbers are building nicely.

Currently there are 20 registered and paid up with five more indicating they are going to come. I sent out emails to people today reminding them that the event is on. Should I have inadvertently missed you, please drop me a line at and I'll get the Players Pack. It is shaping nicely as the biggest Warhammer Fantasy event to be held in Wellington this year and is a great way to finish the 2013 tournament season.

Again we will have to weather an influx from the North as a group from The League Of Extraordinary Nerdymen venture South. Known for their love of painting, all things hobby - oh and Karl Franz plus two Steam Tanks - this will be the third time this year that these scruffy northerners have despoiled our lush and fertile lands. I really appreciate the support these guys (and all the locals) give to the Fields of Blood events.

Remember your army must be fully painted and based (at least to a tabletop standard). You must also have movement trays for your units. The "controversial" Fields of Blood Painting Checklist is downloadable from this site and will be used at the event. Umpire Sam Whitt will talk through the mark that he is awarding your army.

So if you are thinking about coming along then let me know and hopefully we can finish the season with a great turnout for what I am sure will be a great event.


  1. Man I'm so excited! Cant wait to bitch about my painting scores like all the cool Kiwi kids are doing atm!

  2. I don't bitch... I prefer 'whine like a little girl' or 'complain like a jaffa'... I am looking forward to those conversations with Sam, 'no thats not a slip, I meant to run that highlight that way' or 'cmon, its a great conversion, I took the butchers body and stuck a night goblin head on it, shows the Great Maw and Gork (or was it Mork) have a sense of humour'


    1. "MTJOTLBWY"?? I will mark you down just for that!

  3. I plan to continue my plan to bring a different list to every event. Got quite a different one planned this time so I will be borrowing some stuff as I don't have enough of my own and I'm not buying & painting them for a one off, I know I will take a hit on the painting as it won't be to a theme but I'm not expecting this list to be very competitive anyway it's more of a fun end to my second tournament year :)

    Dave A

  4. Won't be able to make this one unfortunately as work won't give me the time off... :(


  5. Thanks Pete! Having a Fields of Blood event without the Nerdymen would be like having the Americas Cup without Team New Zealand.
    Looking forward to seeing our shaky capital...always have a good time down there.

    1. So this could well be your guys' last trip down here?

    2. No...managed to secure funding from Kim Dotcom....

  6. You need to submit a list that has 17 rat ogres with champion, skweel gnawtooth, master moulder, 12 packmasters, and a warloard on bonebreaker.

    Go on...ruin someone's hobby :P

    Joel v

    1. I forgot the @ Dave A at the beginning

      Awwww but TWF has such good ideas on stuff

      Joel v

    2. Shush Joel, don't go ruining my surprises! Although you did forget to mention Thrott in there (you need him to squeeze than many Rat Ogres in!) Plus I just need to add some massive units of Giant rats to go with squeel just so I can swamp people with slave point models with either regen, +1 A or poison and can fight in 3 ranks even on the charge....... FEAR ME!!!!!!

      Dave A

    3. Hell I may have to deliberately paint my 120 giant rats like shit just to give the rest of you a chance ;)
