Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Only Good Dwarf Is A Dying Dwarf!

Regular readers will know that I'm not a big fan of the Dwarf race.

To assist you all, I thought I show you how I like to treat Dwarfs when I face them on the battlefield. The following pictures are taken from my game versus Adam Richards' Stunties at Panzershreck.

The Hammerer Block is charged by the Death Chicken, four Beasts of Nurgle in the front, two in the side and a unit of Flesh Hounds in the rear. Behind that a lone Engineer receives two units of Screamers and more Flesh Hounds (note forlorn anvil to the side).

The aftermath of the front combat just before the Stunties break in terror and are caught by a Beast. Attention will now turn to the Engineer who dies ingloriously.

The Longbeards take the opportunity to charge some Horrors, over run ......straight into a trap. Lots of dead dwarfs and the Stunties are tabled.

One less army out there ruining games for people who enjoy Warhammer.

Cue some pitiful defense musing from Dwarf apologists.


  1. At least we don't have a flying chicken, that just has panzey written all over it. ;D

    1. Please restrict homophobic comments to forums where you discuss bacon

    2. You had me at bacon . . .

      - Adam Richards

  2. Ouch, that looks painful.

    Good thing his lads are able to troop back onto the movement tray at the end of the game, ready to bring some more Dwarven joy to the masses.

  3. Haha, great photo. Like you said before (and no disrespect to Tane and Simon), if you've gotta play Dwarves make it Adam Richards. That guy enjoys every game of Warhammer to a level that blows my mind. I highly reccomend everyone come to future tourneys in Palmy so they can get the "Adam Richards Warhammer Experience" !

    1. Ah go on, thanks Pete and Jeff, a great game (even if I am losing) is largely dependent on the quality of my opponents. I have played Pete and Jeff plenty of times (and lost plenty of times to be honest), but that they are always willing to give me their time to try and win a game or two is something that I will always appreciate.

      PS: Please note how many DoC it took to take out one dwarf unit at a time. So just watch out for when I get the whole army working together *chortle*

      - Adam Richards

  4. what are those models you're using for beasts pete?
