Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tournament Clarifications v1.1

In light of the latest round of WHFB FAQs, a number of clarifications can be dropped. The following list will be used at Skitterleap and my events beyond.


• If a unit is more than its base movement value from a building it cannot enter the building in that phase [Rules Change].

• True line of sight will be used unless mutually agreed. Figures height should be considered generally representative of their type regardless of conversions etc [Clarification].

• Only one character may charge out of a unit in a turn [Clarification].

• If a unit with the Impact Hits special rules charges a unit and is counter charged before impact hits have occurred then unit will still benefit from the Impact Hits special rule [Clarification].

• An infantry character mounted on an infantry mount can gain a look out sir from infantry troops. However, he still counts as being mounted, and so gains +1 armour save but cannot parry, cannot enter buildings or use items restricted to "models on foot only" [Clarification].

Race Specific

• Beastmen Herdstone must be mounted on either small or large round template i.e. either 3” or 5” diameter. It counts as Impassable Terrain and counts TLOS for Line of Sight purposes [Clarification].

• Night Goblin Mushroom do not count as "power dice" (as per their Army book), in their case 1in6 times the mushroom forces the spell to fail, and 1in12 times it will also cause a wound so it has its own in built penalties [Clarification].

• Vampiric Magic Lore Attribute can heal characters [Clarification].

Magic Specific

• Timewarp cannot increase a unit’s movement value above 10. So maximum march would be 20 inches [Clarification].

• Open Ground does count as a type of terrain for the spell Curse of Anraheir [Clarification].


  1. Given that apparently theres no Power Scroll Errata anymore, will you be making a ruling on that? Given its still in foreign language FAQs its seems obvious its an error, but without further adjustment, clarity would be good

    1. It appears it was just missed off the English FAQ's. I think all other languages still have the WD errata

  2. Power Scroll is as per White Dwarf, as are Screamers

  3. Ridiculous capping Timewarp boosted movement, it turns what could be a really cool, characterful lore into an afterthought. In the FAQ, random movement is can you explain away a steamtank that can possibly move 36 inches? I don't think they had capping the movement to 10 in mind when they wrote this spell, and it's pretty obvious when you look at the FAQ the spirit of the spell is to make a unit race up and get into the fight (hence a 36 inch random move). Undo this mistake asap!

    1. I would lean to agreeing with timewarp can increase movement beyond 10. It does appear to be the intention of the spell, but a lot of people have been caught up on characteristics being capped at 10 and the spell refering to the characteristic. Its one of those interpretation things however, and will only be settled when (if) GW FAQ it

    2. Afterthought...? seriously...? :-P

      Lore of light is one of the best lores with or without timewarp Movement cap... Not saying I overtly disagree with you, but hyperbole much?

    3. Hyperbole would be "exceedingly shite house"....however "afterthought", I feel, is appropriate, definitely when there's Shadow on offer....

  4. Just a caveat to the above comment a standard knight with it's movement doubled only has a max charge of 26 inches, so a massive lumbering steamtank can achieve 10 inches greater than that, go figure....
    You may say "well the tanks movement is random", well so is charging for that matter!

  5. Refer to rule book Faq, it changes the wording to clearly indicate it doubles the M characteristic, not saying the random move FAQ answer makes any sense in light of this.

  6. Thanks for your good work Pete. Clarifications will be used for Equinox 2013.

  7. Forgive me, but where is the FAQ saying that open ground is terrain for the Curse? Also are you allowed to reform after you crumble a unit to death?

  8. Note change to first clarification - Swift reform into building. Now just prohibits the use of reform to exceed base move

  9. Sam - yes you may reform (see extensive discussion on TWF)after crumble.

    Not sure what your other point is aimed at.

  10. I was just wondering if it was in the new FAQ and I have missed it?

  11. No. I don't think there was anything in latest FAQ
