After Home-Con I sat down and played around with the Skaven list I used and looked at what changes I would make for the next few games I play. I thought it might be interesting to drop the Furnace and replace it with a Screaming Bell. This changes the dynamic of the army. As I did this I found some of the items I wanted to include pushed me outside the boundaries of Pete-Lite Comp (stupid people and their stupid comp), so this required further adjustment. In the end I still use the same solid core I had - Slaves and Clanrats - backed up by the Skaven toys (sans Furnace).
Grey Seer - Bell, Earthing Rod, Skalm
BSB - Storm Banner, Shield
Warlock - Lvl 1, Doomrocket, Warp Condensor
Warlock - Lvl 1, Scroll
Engineer - Brass Orb
30 Clanrats - Full Command, Shields
25 Clanrats - Full Command, Shields
25 Clanrats - Full Command, Shields
40 Slaves - Muso, Champ
40 Slaves - Muso, Champ
40 Slaves - Muso, Champ
5 Giant Rats + Packmaster
5 Giant Rats + Packmaster
5 Giant Rats + Packmaster
9 Gutter Runners - Sling/Poison
9 Gutter Runners - Sling/Poison
Warp Lightning Cannon
Hell Pit Abomination - Spikes
Plagueclaw Catapult
I'm not tied to the Catapult and I am considering taking 5 Jezzails instead.
Any feedback and/or constructive suggestions are appreciated as always. Failing that fawning comments around how wonderful Skaven are will be accepted.
I think the catapult is a great buy for 100 points. The no armour save makes it great against expensive well armoured troops like Chaos Warriors and the panic test if they take a wound rule makes it useful against Goblins or other low leadership troops.
ReplyDeleteNot sure it's a must-have but it's pretty good for the points.
Compared to the previous list this seems to be very reliant on the Seer to do damage. Yes you still have the Hell Pit, but you have removed the Furnace and Plague Monks (which actually kill things in combat, rather than just hold them in place) and replaced it with ... more Clanrats basically. If the Seer blows himself up early or gets Cannon sniped then I'm not sure this list would have enough combat power to bring itself back.
ReplyDeleteYep, I think you're right re the list. Talking with Jack as well he things it lacks punch.
I'll play around. Funny you come back to what you're comfortable with.
I think it is under-rated too. In the latest iteration - been through four today - it's out but it could be back in tomorrow :-)
Funny I'm painting up TKs but just want to play more Skaven
Hmmmm, needs a special clanrat wearing a pointy magical hat! ;)