Saturday, July 30, 2011
Wolves mega update-a-thon!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
GW Annual Report 2010-2011
Sunday, July 24, 2011
August Release Schedule
Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon (plastic kit, also usable as Terrorgheist, on an Arachnarok sized base)
Vampire Counts Cairn Wraith (seems to be plastic blister)
Vampire Counts Tomb Banshee (seems to be plastic blister)
Vlad Von Carstein (Finecast)
Konrad Von Carstein (Finecast)
Inquisitor Karamazov (Finecast)
Dark Elves War Hydra (Finecast)
Dark Elf Dreadlord on Cold One (Finecast)
Wood Elf Spellweaver with Staff (Finecast)
Garden of Morr (this is a multipart plastic graveyard terrain set)

20th August
Chaos Daemons Battalion / Battleforce
Chaos Daemons Herald of Tzeentch on Disc of Tzeentch (new, Finecast)
The Changeling (Finecast)
Chaos Daemons Bloodthirster (Finecast)
Chaos Daemons Lord of Change (Finecast)
Dark Eldar Ur-Ghul (new, Finecast, see pic)
Dark Eldar Medusae (new, Finecast, see pic)

Friday, July 22, 2011
Swings & Roundabouts... the rankings for 2011 so far
As some of you may or may not be aware, the rankings formula for NZ for 2011 changes quite considerably. Points for winning a max sized event dropped from 120, down to 100 (give or take a little as the rankings HQ database works its magic), meaning that 2010 events were worth substantially more than 2011 events.

I thought I would have a look at 2011 events only, and check out how people were looking so far. I did this for 2 reasons, a) because I was a bit bored and had a few minutes up my sleeve so wanted to see what kind of effect this points change was having, and b) To get a bit of a feel for what this years masters field may look like.
To do this I looked at the current top 25 players, their rankings in rankingsHQ, and then stripped out the 2010 events and looked at peoples new placings/totals. This doesn't mean it is the new top 25, as I only recalculated the current top 25 people.
Also, its probably important to not forget that there are still events to happen in 2011, it's only July! This particularly effects the south island, whos events are normally in the latter half of the year, and for obvious reasons Christchurch probably hasn't been in the most charitible mood for hosting events.
This is also however, strongly effected by the massive decline of the Wellington 40k scene. With no fields of blood 2011, no Maelstrom, no Warpstorm, in fact quite possibly no event other than Call To Arms (whos player pack has seen many people email me stating that they won't bother making the journey) - very few points are being generated out of the capital, and you'll notice the players now floundering at the bottom of the pack have a certain geographical feature in common.
Without further ado, here's how they're looking initially!
Keen to hear your thoughts on the subject, have at it!
Some Bits and Bobs
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Brushes - Raphael and W&N Series 7

Tuesday, July 19, 2011
CoolMiniOrNot Instant Mould

Friday, July 15, 2011
A Seventh Venom? Yes or No?

Pete-Lite Comp
I’ve been vocal in my view over the past 12 months since its release, that 8th edition has done a great job in balancing the landscape between the various army books. I’d contend that the excesses we saw at the end of 7th Edition have largely been addressed if you play the game as per the 8th Edn rulebook. This means playing the scenarios, playing the victory conditions, playing terrain etc rather than a bastardised version of v7.5 Edn that a number of people who have since moved to other games wanted the Australasian scene to adopt.
I love 8th Edn and the skills it encourages. There has been a move from distance and angle estimation as a prime skill (due to nature of 7th combat) to one where risk assessment and management are the deciders.
Early in 2011 I published on this blog the comp system I’d be using at events I ran. This was designed to be a very light system aimed at taking the most extreme builds out of the mix. There has been a few small changes on the way – with the release of Orcs & Goblins and Tomb Kings – but I think it has achieved the stated objectives. It is aimed at an inclusive rather than exclusive game and is based on keeping abreast of the game across all jurisdictions. Sometimes mistakes are made – e.g. the exclusion of the Tomb King Nefratta’s Plaques – but these are corrected when identified.

Leaving On A Jetplane
I have the utmost faith that they will continue to populate the blog with razor sharp insight and unbridled wit during my absence. I fully expect to see such topics as “A Seventh Venom? Yes or No?” or “Adding Wolf Guard to Your Long Fangs to Increase Their Firepower” or even “One Cauldron of Blood – What Are You? A Wimp?”.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
GW's 2012 Collection
It was recently reported on Bell of Lost Souls as:
August – 40k Sisters of Battle (White Dwarf)
October – WHFB Ogre Kingdoms
November – 40k Necrons
February – WHFB Bretonnians or Wood Elves
March – 40k Tau Empire
May – WHFB Dwarfs
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
My First Finecast model
Empire Captain with Hammer and Pistol
Checking out the sculpt, Jack picked up one small flaw – an air bubble under the foot. I’m going to give it a thorough examination tonight when I look to put it together. The figure certainly looks very crisp with a high level of detail but the proof is in the pudding.
At the same time I got the metal musician with dancing bear to include in a unit of halberdiers.
Alternative GW Supplier
Irresistible Force are based in Brisbane, Australia and over the years Gav has been an enormous supporter of my own hobby and the wargaming hobby in general. You can check out their website but they are suppliers of the Games Workshop range as well as a really comprehensive range of hobby supplies. For instance I source all my Silflor Grass Tufts and Foilage from Gav.
Gav confirmed to me that Irresistible Force are able to offer a discount of 20-30% off Australian RRP and provide FREE SHIPPING to New Zealand. At the lower of those discounts this represents about 10% off New Zealand RRP. I can certainly testify to the speed of their service too. I’ve had a dozen plus orders with them and none has taken more than 5 Business Days to arrive.
Well worth checking out, particularly if you want more than just GW.
WARNING! Contains Necro-Equine Flagellation
I’ve been listening to the latest 40kUK podcast where they discuss aspects of the Space Wolves codex – Long Fangs, Wolf priest and SW Scouts – as well as having a round table on Grey Knights and the landscape looks remarkably like Fantasy 2008 (where the rest found it hard to compete with the big four – VC, DoC, DE and Lizards). Unlike Fantasy, GW appears to have the 40k dial fully turned to “turbo” so recent codexes – DE and GK – are competitive with the IG, SW, BA and Tyranids of the world.
This consistency is good because as long as it is continued to end up with everything at the same power level…..eventually.
But what got me depressed was looking at my favoured offspring – the Chaos Space Marines.
Members of the CSM Appreciation League Comfort Their Fallen Mount "Gav Thorpe"
As I mentioned in Monday’s post, Charlie and Jack were doing a dissection of Dark elder on the weekend and as a point of reference were reviewing the recently released 2011 ETC lists. I thought that’s not a bad idea and logged on and looked at the Chaos SM ones. What I learned was that I only needed to look at the first….subsequent list views were redundant because for all intents and purposes they were the same. At ETC level at least, all the lists were the same!
Dual Lash Prince, three units of Obliterators, Plague Marines. The only variation was whether you took a minimum-sized unit of combi-melta armed Termies or Khorne Berzerkers. Yawn, yawn, yawn, yawn, yawn.
Then I looked at the participants in the 140 person Wargames-Con 40k tournament run by the guys at BOLS. They showed a graph of the participants’ armies – dominated by SW and BA – and CSM came in at 10th most popular. This is a remarkable change from what occurred throughout 3rd and 4th Edition where despite new codex releases, Chaos Space Marine armies were always the most popular codex after Space Marines. The fact that Space Marines have also fallen in popularity (but not to the same extent) is illustrative of the up-powering of recent codexes – counts-as armies are popular ref: Adepticon – where people feel the need to change armies to remain competitive.
A Hero Will Rise
In the CSM situation, this was compounded by the ludicrous (certainly in terms of sales I contend) decision to remove the Traitor Legions in favour of the liquorice allsorts Chaos Renegades. If you doubt the folly of that decision, I’m interested to know how many Red Corsairs armies you’ve seen on the table recently. It’s quite clear that GW killed a golden goose with the last book and I can only hope for those that do enjoy playing the many armies 3rd/4th allowed, that the situation is rectified early 2012.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
New Fantasy FAQs As Well
Not much to see. Skrox are officially "Unique".
Tomb Kings ones are all straightforward clarifications

New 40k FAQ's out.
just a quick post. New FAQ's for Rulebook, Orks, SM, GK.
The only major changes for the FAQ concern fliers on large oval bases (read: vendettas). In short, confirmation your wings count as your hull, so no more trying to argue you can move on 6 and fire all weapons, but they also made it so that you just count the base for the purposes of "is the vehicle in difficult terrain/area occupied by other models" so that becomes interesting :)
Virtually nothing of interest in the SM or GK FAQ's, it was all either common sense confirmed, or silly questions.
- GK Purgation squads cant shoot out of vehicles without firepoints with Astral Aim.
- Vehicle LD's can be modified by special rules for psychic tests.
- If a dreadnaught is immobilised by an exploding storm raven, it dies, ahhaha.
- RAD/Psychotroke don't apply multiple times
- SM Ironclads mess vehicles up big time in assault, so don't let them assault you, you big silly goose.
The orks had a few buffs, and one that I think people will still totally fail to understand.
- Waagh was moved to the beginning of the shooting phase. This was no doubt to stop people doing the whole "Dave Cleverly Shidy Incident", where they would roll all their Waaaghs first, and decide after all the run rolls whether they would then grant fleet to the units orn ot.
- Tankbusters got a bit of a nerf, no more running to avoid having to shoot a vehicle in LOS 250000000feet away.
- Some changes/clarification to big bombs, not that anyone ever used them anyway.
- Confirmation you can't destroy a deffrolla with a weapon destroyed result, who even asked this question?
- Confirmation that a walker can't hit back against a boarding plank attack. This was always a very contentious issue, I thought it was reasonably straight forward but people on the receiving end always seemed to find the issue a bit more mirky :)
- A bunch more common sense clarifications (yes, an attack squig adds a powerklaw attack, etc) and special character clarifications of no real consequence.
And lastly, the biggy, confirmation that vehicles are a 4+ save for KFF's, which almost everyone played anyway, but occasionally a few people were pretty desperate to downgrade it. What people will still get wrong, is how this interacts with Kans.
What it now says in the FAQ, is that only those within 6" of the KFF will be obscured.
When shooting at a squadron of walkers, to determine whether the squad has cover or not, you ignore that they are a squadron, and assess each kan individually. Is that one obscured? What about that one? And that one? You then work out whether you have a majority cover or not, and apply that effect to the unit. 1/3 obscured? No one gets cover. 2/3 obscured? Whole unit gets cover.
This confuses people as it's different to non vehicle units who only need a single model to get the 5+.
I can see now, people playing this 1 of 3 ways.
The first way: The right way, as described above. Majority to be in, or nothing.
The second way: People sticking one in for the 4+, and claiming the other 2 get a 5+. No buddy, none of them get a save at all in this scenario.
The third way: People taking a coversave for those that are within 6, and not taking one for those that are in. This just isn't how shooting at squadrons works.
Do go check them out though, rather than just my quick summaries. There's a bunch of common sense stuff in there that will surprise you that anyone ever played it any differently. HEAPPPPPPS of stuff in the ork one though.
As Lou says "Take A Walk On The Wild Side"
There are a lot of reasons for that initial view – bigger units, bigger magic, more augments and hexes etc.
Ghetto Ducks Ambush Fluffy Deathstar (Who Couldn't Afford Potion of H5N1 Avian Influenza)
However I have gradually come around to the 2000 point game, especially at tournaments and events. Why? Well there are a few reasons.
The first is that some players are just slow. No matter what you do they dawdle through their games like it is a ramble in a country garden. They get distracted, play things through 10+ times….it seems on super slo-mo – anguish over every decision and every micro-move. Giving them fewer points at least speeds things up a bit….it’s not a linear relationship but every bit helps.
Second reason is that at 2000 points you can’t have all the toys. You don’t have the opportunity to build greater levels of certainty (read protection) into your characters nor can you build deathstars without seriously reducing the overall size of your army.
The third reason is that because of the second reason, things are more decisive. The spell has greater effect, the combat moves away from a grind to surgical strike etc. This does mean that the odd game can be more driven by vagaries of the dice but that in itself isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It means to be successful you need to acknowledge the potential for disaster and plan for it.
I think it makes it a more tactical game when you can’t have everything you want in your list as you are continually assessing situations against a background of greater risk. Personally I like that but I know a lot of players prefer greater certainty (and Dwarf players want complete certainty). I guess what I’m saying is that at 2000 points and using the Dwarf example you need to balance the rune of “re-roll misfires” versus 2-3 more Warriors, that second spellbreaker against the rune of “stealing PD and making them DD”, the rune of “re-roll scatter dice” etc.
For my lists there are non-negotiables at 2000 points – BSB, Dispel Scroll, Earthing Rod – that I need to fit in. But there are items I can’t necessarily get – Storm Banner, Warp Condensor, MR item etc – and so I have to make hard choices. Similarly if I only have 20 Plague Monks pushing a Furnace and not 30 then I have to think about whether my Plague Priest can risk a miscast.
In summary I like the uncertainty…….flame away!

Monday, July 11, 2011
Odds & Sods
On Saturday I progressed the painting of my first Iron Warriors vehicles, three rhinos. As is always the case, you find you don’t have exactly what you need – I thought I had three sets of Forgeworld Iron Warriors rhino doors but could only find two. So a quick internet order to FW should see the third set winging their way to me this week. Still, I managed to paint three rhinos (one sans doors) and they are now in pristine factory-fresh condition waiting for weathering and battle damage.
Saturday afternoon, Charlie came around and he and Jack were pawing over the Dark Eldar and space Wolves books planning their armies of mass destruction. I tried to make helpful comments but apparently my fluff-based analysis was an anathema to them and I was relegated to the painting table and told to stop bothering them (Charlie informed me that he had a special Wolf codex where all units that had the word “claw” in their title were missing, while Jack indicated his DE codex said “The Baron is a compulsory choice”). Young people. Late afternoon they disappeared down to the wargaming room and had their armies smash each other silly before a final analysis session where they cut any “inefficiency” (I hadn’t noticed any tbh) and make them more of a challenge for their opponents (nice to see them thinking of others).
Yesterday I wandered into GW to buy the Storm of Magic Card Set and after fighting through the hordes of customers and storeboys I purchased a set. Now I’m only interested in the plastic case so if you want a set of the cards at a cheap price let me know. I had the various terrain pieces pointed out to me – my GW knows ‘m a sucker for terrain – but to be honest I’m less than impressed. I’m sure they are adequate for their SoM purpose but they don’t inspire me like their previous Fantasy terrain pieces. I’ll revisit them in a month or so and see if they grow on me.
So all in all a pretty quiet weekend though more painting than in a long while. It was quite nice to paint some vehicles for a change. Not sure what is next for IW but I’ll probably paint a unit of Obliterators.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Olympia's Finest

Magnetising the Razorwing
This leads me to my current project, the Dark Eldar. Now, there’s not much to do to the Raiders and Venoms apart from magnetising the flying stands, so I looked instead at the Razorwing. It’s got four missiles, each of which can be one of three types. They are also one-use-only, so it makes sense to have them come off as you fire them. It’s also not quite as clear as with the Raiders, Ravagers or Venoms which weapon configuration is the best, so I decided to make them swappable too.
Here’s a step by step guide of what I did, along with photos of each stage that I took during the process. The magnets I used were just ones we had sitting around at home (3mm diameter and 1mm deep). I hope the guide is interesting and helpful to some.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Game 4 – Raymond Dick (Lizards)
So far, we’d been quite indifferent to the Lizards, who bordered us on the south, but when the matchups for this round were announced it was clear there was a bit of bad blood between us after all. Raymond had a Carnosaur Lord, BSB and normal Vet on Cold One, a Priest, 20 Saurus, 2 medium Skrox units, an Ancient Steg, 2 Salamanders and 5 Chameleon Skinks.
Skaven Delta Force.....Locked and Loaded
“Elf…..the other white meat”
With this change in strategy we had to go through the Orcs to get there so……..
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Space Husky Battle Report
This week I am blessed with the house guest that is Haydn Korach. Other than having my nosey neighbours peering out their window trying to work out why a police car is parked on my lawn all night, this came with the added benefit of getting a game in with the new Wolves against one of New Zealands top ranked players, using an army he is very familiar with.

Who Needs Delta Force When You Play Skaven!!!!!!
My list was as follows:
Grey Seer – Earthing Rod, 4+ Ward
BSB – Standard of Discipline
Plague Priest – Furnace, Rival Hide Talisman, Ironcurse Icon, Dispel Scroll
Engineer – Doomrocket
25 Clanrats – Full Command, Shields
23 Clanrats – Full Command, Shields
40 Slaves
40 Slaves
39 Slaves
6 Gutter Runners – Poison, Slings
6 Gutter Runners – Poison, Slings
20 Plague Monks – Full Command, Banner of Under-Empire
Warplightning Cannon
Hell Pit Abomination
I had a sideboard but never used it.
Our objective was to destroy the Realm of Men and we started off by declaring “Disaster” on them and destroying their capital city.
Monday, July 4, 2011
We rocked up on Saturday morning, and discovered our team goal was to claim the northern mountains, which meant that we’d have to get through Orcs and/or Dwarfs to achieve this. We also for some reason had to make sure we were always bordering the Realm of Men, which was strange, because we really wanted to fight them and wipe them out!
Friday, July 1, 2011
Something Different
Lie of the Land
Slippery - All Lizardmen - Reid Pittams, Mike King and Raymond Dick
Stunty - All Dwarfs - Hagen Kerr and Matt Hassall
Realm of Man - Neil Williamson (Brets), Peter Williamson (Woodies) and Joel van der Ven-Long (Empire)
S.A.D. - All Skaven - James Millington, Doug Rosendale, Pete Dunn
Resplendant - All High Elves - Glen Burfield, Hugh Dixon, Adam Richards
Pigstikkas - All Orcs & Goblins - Sam Whitt, Hamish Forbes, Ben Wadsworth
Dark (Dull) Alliance - Tim Norling (WoC), Tom Dunn (Daemons) and Jack Dunn (Dark Elves)
The event cards have been written, the objectives decided.....let's roll some dice!
Tick, Tock......Mousies on the March
Having tried a Pestilens themed list in my last game, I’ve decided to go back to a standard Skaven list.
So here’s what it is
Grey Seer
Priest on Furnace
Three Engineers
3x 40 Slaves Muso
2x 25 Clanrats Full Command
2x 6 Gutter runners with Poison & Slings
20 Plague Monks
Warp Lightning Cannon
Hell Pit Abomination
Core: 20 Rats with 4 Packmasters
Special: 6 Plague Censer Bearers
Rare: Plagueclaw Catapult
I am in Team S.A.D. (Skaven Armies of Doom) with James Millington and Doug Rosendale.
All I can promise is “There Will Be Cheese”